Anal Of Mami Curriculum And Textbook
About :
Analysis Of Textbook
By :
Ilham marzuki : 409.493
Diki mardinta : 409.502
Irwan saputra : 409.503
Lecture :
Besral, M.pd
1433 H/ 2012 M
Chapter I
Analysis of mami curriculum and textbooks is important subject for college students, because the college students should have ability to analyze the curriculum and text books, so that it can be used in school as their reference.
Goal analysis of mami curriculum and textbooks is fix the weakness of the current curriculum and textbooks, so that the teacher could understand the curriculum and text books. It will make they are easier to the plan and design the lesson.
In this paper we will analyze a textbooks which is used in junior high school (SLTP) grade 3. This is the identity of the book :
Title: bahasa inggris untuk SLTP kelas 3 & Caturwulan 1. 2. & 3
Writer/ Author : Drs. Inka Ismail dkk
Published By : Titian Ilmu Bandung
We hope this paper can provide a good analysis o this book, so that this paper can be a good learning subject in analysis of Mami curriculum and text books.
Chapter II
There are five principle that should analysis in text books, to identity the analysis of the books. They are :
A. Content, consist of :
1. Text
2. Dialog
3. Picture
B. Organization (sequent)
A good organization of textbook should begin from the simple material in to the complex, or from the familiar materials in to abstract one.
C. Setting/lay-out
D. Quality/Readability
E. Price
Analysis of the text books
A. Content of this book
In content, this book has not too much picture, but the pictures represent the book such as : technology, culture, tours, transport, mass media, the game among nations, flora & fauna, world geography, etc.
Some of text has not graphics, but so many tables. And also there is puzzle in this book and vocabulary, to support the text we can see all the content suitable to students in learning process.
B. Organization
This book start from the difficult material because this book not start the lesson from listening competence. And then we can‘t find explanation about it in this book. But, too much explanation about reading as materials for the students.
According the explanation about this text book, we think the organization of this book is not bad. This book have good structure, although there are some vocabulary is difficult and then this book divided in “caturwulan” which is consist of some topic and question based on the text.
C. Setting/Lay-out
We think, the lay-out/setting of this book have no problem, because this book easy to use it. The pictures, graphics, or tables that is used to represent the text, put by another of text. It can see in chapter I where is picture put after title, and text after the picture. It will explain above it.
So we think this book have no problem, and we agree design of this textbook.
D. Quality/readability
We think this book have good quality because this book have interesting cover design, and also readable.
E. Price
We do not know how much cost of this book, because this book is published at 1996. But if we see to thick and design of this book. We think this book high price (about Rp 8000).
Chapter III
Strength and weakness
A. Strength
We think the strength of this book are be on the good content and has good setting/lay-out, because lay-out of this book is interesting. The content of this book supported by texts, pictures, short conversation, it makes this book easier to use.
B. Weakness the weakness of this book is put on organization, this book not begins from the simple materials in to the complex one, or from the familiar materials in to the abstract one. But it begin the complex. And then the color of the pictures of this book not clear.
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