
Toko On Line

Selasa, 29 Mei 2012


Ilham Marzuki

Every country have culture which different each other. Even each area have different culture also. This matter happened because of human being have different residence, religion, race, tribe, language and others. For that according to me to comprehend culture an area or nation study its language, because language is association more and more us know language hence will more and more also our which can culture know.
But more and more culture knew more and more also change of culture used especially at adolescent circle. Start from clothes style, hair style and attitude and also child immorality action able to nation, this matter happened because followed the example of only culture which having its values of just him. Regardless of positive values in the culture And leave his/her culture, which appliance of existence the course of this happened that change is used by technology information is that.
Change quickly in information technology have change culture most world society, especially who live in urban. Society in all the world have been able to conduct economic transaction and get information in a short time technological blessing of computer and satellite. Governmental and big companies can get power through strength of economic influence and military. Company national Trans of Even of can global yield of culture through global of market commercial, Change of social and local culture effect of this information revolution cannot be parried. Urban society owning to access to information represent society group which is direct to be hit by global cultural influence. Access information can be obtained to through mass media print and also electronic, internet, and telephone.
Recent Consumer Indonesia of society grow along formation trans capitalism consumption and history globalization economic with of marked centre shopping dressy with it shopping mall like mushroom, industrial of leeway, industrial mode or fashion, industrial of beauty, industrial kinds of foods, industrial of advice, industrial of gossip, area dwell luxuriantly, apartment, luxuriant goods advertisement and foreign brand,  fast food, and also reproduce and transfer of life style through television media and advertisement and also print which have to our rooms which most personal. This matter happened in many society urban of Indonesia.
in general Indonesian people assume that foreign culture ( culture western) that is culture bringing impact of negative for us as a Indonesia particularly to its the rising generation. However if we seen from other side again quite a few foreigner culture giving positive values or impact is we able to take and we civilize in our State. This matter earn us see for example the so small where foreign people have civilized to read. They always use their leeway to always to read anywhere and whenever, that goodness of breakfast time, awaiting bus, in bus, even until into toilet even also they do not forget to read that goodness of Book, Newspaper, Magazine etc able to give science to them.
It is of course this is matter very is differing from of us as  Indonesia which only utilizing leeway with things which no advantage where this matter can see for example the so small people who stay in bus, most people who stay in bus of muse await to target. There is no one even also reading book, even so there is one who read beyond question can be guessed by him that a which is bookworm
Values negative just it’s of culture foreign of example the follow will only which nation to us of irony that’s. Not to mention its life style which always follow westernizing style. Try if only we also civilize to read. Surely we will be able to get a lot of science, because reading to represent one of the roads to get science.
Every culture absolutely good for them and have meet the eye society embracing or creating the culture. Because impossible created a culture without existence of suitable in a society embracing the culture. However once in a while a culture cannot be accommodated or to aflication in a State or society. For example culture dress incompatible sure westerner if/when applied in culture dress people of Arab. or culture dress incompatible coastal people applied with culture dress hillbilly, For that we is as one who  have education to should be able to chosen which culture which both for can be executed in society where us remain, because that foreign culture have value of fositive and of negative.
It is true we ought to learn many someone culture more than anything else from neighbor country and have to be more comprehend it non meaning we apply at our self. Difference of culture include more than simply variation of in food, language, and appearance. Individual culture of circumstantial knowledge mirror which is very, values, and confidence influencing the way of someone live and way of people see world Learn, conducive people country culture of Me to get wise to own self, giving me have a time to secede from shallow activity.

Refernce :


Setiap negara pasti mempunyai budaya yang berbeda-beda. Bahkan setiap daerah mempunyai budaya yang berbeda juga. Hal ini terjadi dikarenakan manusia mempunyai tempat tinggal yang berbeda, agama, ras, suku bangsa, bahasa dan lain sebagainya. Untuk itu menurut pemakalah untuk memahami kebudayaan suatu bangsa atau daerah pelajarailah bahasanya, karna bahasa adalah pergaulan, semakin banyak kita mengetahui bahasa maka akan semakin banyak pula budaya yang dapat kita ketahui.
Namun semakin banyak budaya yang diketahui semakin banayak pula perubahan budaya yang dipakai terutama pada kalangan remaja. Mulai dari gaya pakan, gaya rambut dan sikap serta tindakan yang dapat merusak moral anak bangsa, hal ini terjadi karena dicontoh hanya budaya yang yang mempunyai nlai-nilai negatinya saja. Tanpa memperhatkan nilai-nilai positif dalam suatu budaya tersebut Dan meninggalkan budaya sendiri, perubahan yang terjadi ini tentu adanya alat yag di guanakan yaitu teknologi informasi
Perubahan cepat dalam teknologi informasi telah merubah budaya sebagian besar masyarakat dunia, terutama yang tinggal di perkotaan. Masyarakat di seluruh dunia telah mampu melakukan transaksi ekonomi dan memperoleh informasi dalam waktu singkat berkat teknologi satelit dan komputer. Pemerintah dan perusahaan-perusahaan besar mampu memperoleh kekuasaan melalui kekuatan militer dan pengaruh ekonomi. Bahkan perusahaan transnasional mampu menghasilkan budaya global melalui pasar komersil global, Perubahan budaya lokal dan sosial akibat revolusi informasi ini tidak dapat dielakkan. Masyarakat perkotaan yang memiliki akses terhadap informasi merupakan kelompok masyarakat yang langsung terkena pengaruh budaya global. Akses informasi dapat diperoleh melalui media massa cetak maupun elektronik, internet, dan telepon.Masyarakat konsumen Indonesia mutakhir tumbuh beriringan dengan sejarah globalisasi ekonomi dan transformasi kapitalisme konsumsi yang ditandai dengan menjamurnya pusat perbelanjaan bergaya seperti shopping mall, industri waktu luang, industri mode atau fashion, industri kecantikan, industri kuliner, industri nasihat, industri gosip, kawasan huni mewah, apartemen, iklan barang-barang mewah dan merek asing, makanan instan (fast food), serta reproduksi dan transfer gaya hidup melalui iklan dan media televisi maupun cetak yang sudah sampai ke ruang-ruang kita yang paling pribadi. Hal ini terjadi di banyak masyarakat perkotaan Indonesia.
pada umumnya orang Indonesia menganggap bahwa budaya asing (western culture) itu adalah budaya yang membawa dampak negative bagi kita sebagai orang Indonesia terlebih kepada generasi mudanya. Akan tetapi kalau dilihat dari sisi lain lagi banyak juga budaya orang asing yang memberikan dampak  atau  nilai-nilai positif yang dapat kita ambil dan kita budayakan dalam Negara kita. Hal ini dapat kita lihat sebagai contoh kecilnya dimana orang-orang asing telah membudayakan membaca. Mereka selalu menggunakan waktu luang mereka untuk selalu membaca dimanapun dan kapanpun, baik itu waktu sarapan, menunggu bis, di dalam bis , bahkan sampai kedalam toilet pun mereka tidak lupa untuk membaca baik itu buku, Koran, majalah dan sebagainya yang dapat memberikan ilmu pengetahuan kepada mereka.
Tentunya hal ini sangat berbeda dengan kita sebagai orang indoseia yang hanya mempergunakan waktu luang dengan hal-hal yang tidak bermanfaat dimana hal ini dapat lihat sebagai contoh kecilnya orang-orang yang berada dalam bus, kebanyakan orang-orang yang berada dalam bus bermenung menunggu sampai ke tujuan. Tidak ada satu pun yang membaca buku, kalaupun ada orang yang membaca sudah pasti dapat ditebak dia itu seorang yang kutu buku.
Itulah ironinya kita sebagi bangsa Indonesia yang hanya mau mencontoh budaya asing dari niai-nilai negatifnya saja. Belum lagi gaya  hidupnya yang yang selalu mengikuti gaya kebarat-baratan. Coba seandainya kita juga membudayakan membaca. Pasti kita akan dapat mendapatkan ilmu pengetahuan yang banyak, karna salah satu jalan untuk mendapakan ilmu pengetahuan yaitu dengan membaca.
Setiap budaya pastinya baik dan sudah sesuai menurut masyarakat yang menganut atau menciptakan budaya tersebut. Karena tidak akan mungkin tercipta suatu budaya tanpa adanya kesesesuaian dalam suatu masyarakat yang menganut budaya tersebut. Akan tetapi kadang kala suatu budaya  tidak bisa disesuaikan atau di terapkan dalam suatu masyarakat atau Negara. Sebagai contoh budaya busana orang barat pasti tidak cocok bila diterapkan dalam budaya busana orang arab. atau budaya busana orang pantai tidak cocok diterapkan dengan budaya busana orang pegunungan, Untuk itu kita sebagai orang yang berpendidikan harus bisa memilih mana budaya yang baik yang dapat dilaksanakan dalam masyarakat dimana kita tinggal, karena budaya asing itu mempunyai nilai fositif dan negative.
Memang seharusnya kita belajar banyak kultur seseorang apalagi dari negeri tegangga dan harus lebih memahaminya bukan berarti kita menerapkan pada diri kita. Perbedaan budaya mencakup lebih dari sekedar variasi dalam makanan, bahasa, dan penampilan. Kultur individu cermin wawasan yang sangat mendalam, nilai-nilai, dan keyakinan yang mempengaruhi cara seseorang hidup dan cara orang melihat dunia Belajar, kultur negeri orang memungkinkan Saya untuk belajar tentang diri sendiri, memberikan saya berkesempatan untuk melepaskan diri dari rutinitas dangkal.

Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

contoh membuat proposal mini

As we know English is very important in our life, because English is international language. Many countries in the world used this language, not only language of countries but also a subject in schools and universities a lot of country. 
So that many experts make kinds theories to easier teacher and students in teaching and learning process in every school or university. But the fact there are many students cannot speak English well. Speaking is easiest skill use in communicative daily between reading, writing, and listening. There are many methods students can use to improve their English. For example : They are can take English tutor to teach him or her in their home, make English club or community English, listening to the music English, watching movie, and reading book etc. 
Improving English speaking ability does not have to involve expensive courses. The most important part is simply to immerse yourself in the language. Initiate conversations in English. Watch television shows in which standard English pronunciation is used, such as the news. Listening to the radio is another option, since most hosts are hired based on their speaking abilities. The more the sounds and language patterns you hear, the easier they will be to remember. The more the sounds are spoken, the more naturally language will come to you. Josalin Mitchell (2009). 
When the students do that direct or continue automatically their English will be fluently. especially their speaking. But one thing students must remember that is their English mush be practice in daily. If they cannot practice it’s same nothing. There are many factors make students afraid or shy to speak, generally they are less vocabulary, or do not know well pronunciation, afraid make mistakes, shy and afraid to other friends will be laugh when they are to try speak English. If they are still shy or afraid they cannot speak English well. So they are must be practice every day and don’t afraid to make mistake, so that their English will be very well exactly their English speaking.

The purpose of research is : 
1. To improve speaking skill of the students 
2. To regard of students to use English in communicative daily 
3. To make students more confident to use English in communication 

Pursuant to background above writer try give to the delimitation problem in this research that is “how to improve English speaking skill university students of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang six semester B. So writer give the solution to improve the speaking skill of students and give motivation how to speak English fluently, well and coherence with other person.

1. What the students do to improve their English speaking skill? 
2. What is background of students do not speak English in communicative daily? 
3. What is the factors barrier English speaking skill of the students? 
4. How to make students interest to develop their English speaking skill? 
5. What motivation suitable to make students to use English in communicative English? 

a. 1 Contextual Teaching And Learning Among the four language skills, speaking is the most important skill. It should be acquired by students. Speaking skill is not only used for academic purposes, but also used for International Communication. Teaching speaking at University in IAIN Imam Bonjol padang has not been satisfying. Based on that problem, the researcher attempts to improve students’ speaking shill using CTL and whether CTL really improves speaking skill of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang University students’ English skill.

a. 2. Use English Daily In this life human always using communicate because in reality human is social creature which is communicating each other its core that is to submit Mind, Feeling, and needs. If have that way, using English as language daily in communicating in everyday life. So if the students use English to communicate their speaking skill will be fluet.

 a. 3. Use Learning Tools There are many tools the students use to improve their speaking skill, for example: watching movie, listening to the music, listening to the Radio, reading book, news paper, magazine and so on. Certainly these tools must be using English.

a. 4. Make English as a means of communication Studying language intrinsically an effort to have and can use the appliance to submit Mind, Feeling, and needs without use grammar, and formula. Because language skill come in the motoric dominan, everything character motoric no way of is other expect is direct that is motion and practice in every day. 

b. Advantages of problem 

1. To give solution toward problem of the students in their communicative English or their speaking English skill. 
2. To give knowledge especially to the students. 
3. Writer can get the information in research. 

c. Conclusion a. 
1. Conclusion Based on to research writer take the conclusion that to improve English skill in university students of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang. And writer do some technique for improve the ability speaking skill be fluently and balance to grammatical structure. 
a. 2. Suggestion As we know English is very important in this life, because English is international language. If the students can speak English well, the student can speak with foreigner, can read book English version, can teach English education if they graduate from IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang, and many so on. So this English in good stead for the students, writer hopefully to the students to continuous developed their communicative English, exactly their skill speaking English. 

Harmer, Jeremy (2007), The Practice Of English Language Teaching. England http://mariacholifah.blogspot.com/2012/02/peningkatan-speaking-skill-melalui.html 
www. Belajaringgris.Net

Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

Analysis Of Textbook

Anal Of Mami Curriculum And Textbook
About :
Analysis Of Textbook

By :
Ilham marzuki : 409.493
Diki mardinta : 409.502
Irwan saputra : 409.503

Lecture :
Besral, M.pd

1433 H/ 2012 M
Chapter I
Analysis of mami curriculum and textbooks is important subject for college students, because the college students should have ability to analyze the curriculum and text books, so that it can be used in school as their reference.
Goal analysis of mami curriculum and textbooks is fix the weakness of the current curriculum and textbooks, so that the teacher could understand the curriculum and text books. It will make they are easier to the plan and design the lesson.
In this paper we will analyze a textbooks which is used in junior high school (SLTP) grade 3. This is the identity of the book :
Title: bahasa inggris untuk SLTP kelas 3 & Caturwulan 1. 2. & 3
Writer/ Author : Drs. Inka Ismail dkk
Published By : Titian Ilmu Bandung
We hope this paper can provide a good analysis o this book, so that this paper can be a good learning subject in analysis of Mami curriculum and text books.

Chapter II
There are five principle that should analysis in text books, to identity the analysis of the books. They are :
A. Content, consist of :
1. Text
2. Dialog
3. Picture
B. Organization (sequent)
A good organization of textbook should begin from the simple material in to the complex, or from the familiar materials in to abstract one.
C. Setting/lay-out
D. Quality/Readability
E. Price
Analysis of the text books
A. Content of this book
In content, this book has not too much picture, but the pictures represent the book such as : technology, culture, tours, transport, mass media, the game among nations, flora & fauna, world geography, etc.
Some of text has not graphics, but so many tables. And also there is puzzle in this book and vocabulary, to support the text we can see all the content suitable to students in learning process.
B. Organization
This book start from the difficult material because this book not start the lesson from listening competence. And then we can‘t find explanation about it in this book. But, too much explanation about reading as materials for the students.
According the explanation about this text book, we think the organization of this book is not bad. This book have good structure, although there are some vocabulary is difficult and then this book divided in “caturwulan” which is consist of some topic and question based on the text.
C. Setting/Lay-out
We think, the lay-out/setting of this book have no problem, because this book easy to use it. The pictures, graphics, or tables that is used to represent the text, put by another of text. It can see in chapter I where is picture put after title, and text after the picture. It will explain above it.
So we think this book have no problem, and we agree design of this textbook.
D. Quality/readability
We think this book have good quality because this book have interesting cover design, and also readable.
E. Price
We do not know how much cost of this book, because this book is published at 1996. But if we see to thick and design of this book. We think this book high price (about Rp 8000).

Chapter III
Strength and weakness
A. Strength
We think the strength of this book are be on the good content and has good setting/lay-out, because lay-out of this book is interesting. The content of this book supported by texts, pictures, short conversation, it makes this book easier to use.
B. Weakness the weakness of this book is put on organization, this book not begins from the simple materials in to the complex one, or from the familiar materials in to the abstract one. But it begin the complex. And then the color of the pictures of this book not clear.